So, You Take a Left at the Waste Disposal Plant…Or, Evening Motorcycle Ride to Iona Park

Everyone knows what I mean – those evenings that are “tropical” in feel, mid summer. The light is warm and gold  and the air is still. Iona Park is fairly easy to get to, but not as busy as other beaches in the Lower Mainland. Maybe the route by the waste disposal plant is why this is? The park has a long walkway in one direction, and a fairly undeveloped beach in the other. It is also right next to the Vancouver International Airport so it is a prime place for folks who love to watch the planes come and go.


We stayed till dark and rode home in the warm night air.

IMG_1074View of the Gulf Islands just at sunset.  My attempts to make the birds pose for me are again unsuccessful. At least these cormorants obligingly flew overhead. I think I will come back in the winter, with a lawn chair and a thermos of tea. That’s the ticket! Apparently some two hundred plus species spend time out here. I think a good number are on summer holiday, or maybe they know I have my camera all poised…hmm.

IMG_1064My weaving guru Unni, (don’t tell her, she doesn’t know she is my guru…) told me to keep knitting despite arthritic hands. Something along the lines of “you lose it if you don’t use it.” In the spirit of “using it” and using up bits and pieces I have been doing knitted hats the last several weeks. They will go to a non-profit organization in the fall. Grant works in the Downtown East Side and knows the best places these can be used.

IMG_1082The WIP is from some handspun singles, done to learn thick and thin slubby yarn. (Deliberate thick and thin that is!  Pretty fun hat – hopefully someone will find the colours cheery, not just blinding…)

2 thoughts on “So, You Take a Left at the Waste Disposal Plant…Or, Evening Motorcycle Ride to Iona Park

  1. TextileRanger August 12, 2013 / 1:10 am

    I love the hats! What a nice variety. The recipients will be so happy to get something so cute!

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